Beyond Nuclear has created the following pamphlets to inform the public, lawmakers and media about nuclear power and nuclear weapons issues. Please feel free to reproduce and distribute with attribution. You may also request hardcopies from Beyond Nuclear and we will send them to you through regular mail.
Routine Radioactive Releases from US Nuclear PowerPlants. Many people do not realize that every nuclear power reactor dumps radioactive water, scatters radioactive particles, and disperses radioactive gases as part of its routine, everyday operation. It doesn't take an accident. Federal regulations permit these radioactive releases.
Freeze our Fukushimas! Join the campaign to shut down US reactors beginning with the most dangerous - the GE Mark I and Mark II boiling water reactors - the same design we saw explode at Fukishima Daiichi, Japan. The pamphlet lists the US Mark I and Mark II reactors, details the troubled history of the reactor and the life-threatening flaws in these designs.
An Introduction to Beyond Nuclear. This is our introductory pamphlet featuring our mission and goals and an overview of our work. The inside now incorporates the former Ten Reasons palm card which has been updated and revised. This lists 10 of the most serious nuclear power risks and 10 of the brighter energy alternatives.
The Lethal Legacy of the Atomic Age, 1942 - 2012 - infinity. A Mountain of Waste 70 Years High. This pamphlet covers every aspect of the radioactive waste problem since scientists created the world’s first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction at the Fermi reactor in Chicago on December 2, 1942. On that day, the Atomic Age was born — and so was radioactive waste. Pamphlets can be downloaded here or ordered from Beyond Nuclear.
Ralph Nader says "Just recently, a well-desinged and documented pamphlet by Beyond Nuclear summarizes the case against nuclear power as 'Expensive, Dangerous and Dirty.' The clear, precise detail and documentation makes for expeditious education of your friends, neighbors and co-workers."
Atomic Energy and Global Security looks at the inextricable link between nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Published in 2008.
Nuclear power reactors don't have to have an accident to release radioactive material. This pamphlet discusses what these releases are and how they may generally effect those who are exposed.
Historically, reactors have received more subsidies than sustainable energy and in order to build more, the industry will need further money from taxpayers. This costs pamphlet summarizes this need and how we can stop our money from continuing down this nuclear power black hole.
France's nuclear power industry is often touted as the nuclear program to emulate. This pamphlet reveals the problems plaguing the industry in France including radioactive waste problems and predatory uranium mining.
"During my eight years in the White House, every nuclear weapons issue we dealt with was connected to a nuclear reactor program." Al Gore. This pamphlet reviews the dangers of nuclear fuel reprocessing including the health dangers, waste issues and the inevitable link to nuclear weapons. To print pamphlet, chooseletter or legal size.
Radiological Testing at Nuclear Sites: A Beyond Nuclear Handbook.(Version to print at press).
A guide to collecting water samples for radiological testing. This handbook and accompanying Chain of Custody form are to be used in conjunction with Beyond Nuclear and its on-going samplling program.
A booklet detailing who we are and what our mission is.
This booklet highlights the program areas which were the center of Beyond Nuclear's work at its inception. This piece is no longer in print and some of the areas of focus have since shifted to new projects.
A pamphlet describing the human rights impacts on those communities on whose land uranium mines have been imposed - largely consisting worldwide of indigenous peoples. Revised and updated July 2013.
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