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Thursday, July 5, 2012

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UFO : Are we alone? 'Expert' says there is a "Preponderance of Evidence" (Jun 30, 2012) - YouTube

UFO : Are we alone? 'Expert' says there is a "Preponderance of Evidence" (Jun 30, 2012) - YouTube: ""

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DHS List 'Liberty Lovers' As Terrorist! - YouTube

DHS List 'Liberty Lovers' As Terrorist! - YouTube: ""

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Alex Breaks Down McCain-Graham S.3081 Indefinite Detention & Torture Bill on The Alex Jones Show.flv - YouTube

Alex Breaks Down McCain-Graham S.3081 Indefinite Detention & Torture Bill on The Alex Jones Show.flv - YouTube: ""

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MAXIMUM ALERT: Nobel winner warns that the US government will fake an alien invasion. - YouTube

MAXIMUM ALERT: Nobel winner warns that the US government will fake an alien invasion. - YouTube: ""

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National Geographic preparing Americans for a false alien invasion (Obama's wild card). - YouTube

National Geographic preparing Americans for a false alien invasion (Obama's wild card). - YouTube:

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

its a group thing

its a group thing: "

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