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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon-shaped cloud pattern larger than planet Earth

As I was studying this animation from NASA, something struck me as particularly interesting. Inside the hexagon there's a three-sided pyramid shape. It appears quite clearly as a lighter-shade triangle set against the background of the hexagon. Imagine a pyramid placed on top of the hexagon and you'll see it.

There's even more: Inside the pyramid is the shape of the all-seeing eye. You can clearly see it in the center of the pyramid shape, which is inside the hexagon.

Here's a still image from the NASA animation:

In it, you can just barely make out the shape of an inverted pyramid, plus two concentric circles in the center. Here's an overlay of lines showing the structure of the pyramid, plus the all-seeing eye:

Now here's where this gets even more bizarre...

Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon-shaped cloud pattern larger than planet Earth:

'via Blog this'
(NaturalNews) Here at NaturalNews, we normally report on Earthly events, but right now some rather grand events are taking place in our solar system that you may want to know about.

Check out what NASA's Cassini spacecraft first noticed in 2007. There is a large rotating hexagon circling the north pole of Saturn. Visit the NASA webpage that explains all this at:

This isn't some conspiracy theory. It's not some sort of far-fetched interpretation of random organic structure. It is quite clearly a massive hexagon, and it's circling the north pole of Saturn as we speak. And by "massive", I mean this hexagon is larger than the planet Earth.

Straight from the NASA website: "This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides," said Kevin Baines, atmospheric expert and member of Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We've never seen anything like this on any other planet. Indeed, Saturn's thick atmosphere where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate is perhaps the last place you'd expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is."

The hexagon, according to NASA, is 60 miles thick (deep) and an astonishing 15,000 miles wide.

That means four Earths would fit inside it. Yes, it's really that big. And of course, it seems entirely unnatural. Clouds don't form hexagon shapes and then maintain those structures as the edges orbit the center. Looking at this shape, it is difficult to explain it as "natural."

But that's not all there is to see here.

The all-seeing eye pyramid inside the hexagon

The all-seeing eye and the pyramid

Do you recognize this all-seeing eye with the pyramid? If not, just whip out a dollar bill from your pocket and glance at the back. There it is!

Yes, your U.S. currency contains the exact same image: An all-seeing eye, centered inside the top of the pyramid, looking over you from the back of a dollar bill.

Here's a zoomed-in image showing you this from the back of a U.S. dollar bill: 

Reality check

Please note what you're thinking right now as you're reading this. So far, I have not presented anything other than what is evident. There is a spinning hexagon of clouds on Saturn's north pole. Inside the hexagon is a triangle (pyramid). Inside the triangle are two concentric circles that look a lot like a human eye.

This shape closely resembles a pyramid with the all-seeing eye on the back of the U.S. dollar.

Notice I haven't mentioned anything about any conspiracy, or aliens, or anything of that kind. These are just observations of the universe around us.

Granted, they are fascinating observations. In fact, if you told most people what I've printed here in this article so far, they would think you were absolutely nuts.

And yet all I've done so far is republished NASA photos from the Cassini spacecraft and shown pictures from the back of U.S. currency. I've also pointed out some eerie similarities between the two.

But anyone with even half a brain, upon seeing these pictures, would begin to wonder: Is this just a coincidence? And why is there a 15,000-mile wide spinning hexagon on Saturn in the first place?

I've mentioned this to quite a few people, and no one I talked to was even aware of this. So what's it doing there?

Natural phenomenon or intelligent design?

There are really one two possibilities for explaining the giant hexagon on Saturn: It is either a natural phenomenon or it was intelligently designed. (Well, I suppose there's a third possibility: That the whole thing is some sort of grand NASA hoax and the pictures were faked... but to what end?)

I can't wait to see the debates about this on our Facebook page, by the way, because "intelligently designed" could include anything: God, an alien race, a supernatural being, a previous Earthly civilization, a civilization from a parallel universe... who knows?

"Intelligently designed" means some conscious, intelligent being (or group of beings) intentionally created it. If so, you'd have to wonder: For what purpose? What would a giant spinning hexagon on Saturn actually accomplish?

Cymatics and the physical structure of sound

The far more likely explanation for the giant hexagon on Saturn may be that it is a natural phenomenon. And the only phenomenon I'm familiar with that might explain this involves the field of cymatics.

Cymatics is the study of how sound can alter the physical structure of materials, creating interesting structural patterns. To see this for yourself, you can turn a stereo speaker on its edge (with the speaker facing up), then place a liquid pudding of corn starch and water on top of a layer of plastic wrap, on top of the speaker. When you crank up the music, the corn starch creates bizarre and fascinating shapes due to the expression of the structure of the sound.

See an example of this "DIY cymatics" on YouTube:

I've been thinking that the giant hexagon on Saturn could theoretically be caused by very low-frequency sound waves emanating from some sort of geological action on the planet's surface. Perhaps these sound waves are being focused toward the north pole of the planet in much the same way that earthquake shockwaves can "bounce" off subterranean geological features. These sound waves could theoretically create a "cymatic" effect that we're seeing as a giant hexagon swirling around the pole.

It sounds far-fetched, I know. But not nearly as far-fetch as "aliens built it." When it comes to bizarre phenomena like this, all the explanations sound far-fetched because the universe is more bizarre than we imagine.

You can come up with your own theory to explain all this, but make no mistake: There is a giant hexagon of clouds 15,000 miles wide swirling around the north pole of Saturn, and even NASA has no idea why or how it got there.

Is this possibly a "natural" event taking place on a massive scale? If it's natural, it would demonstrate that nature can create some astonishingly complex (and large-scale) designs in the worlds around us. That's particularly interesting because the FDA believes nature is incapable of creating even a single plant-based nutrient that has any beneficial effect whatsoever on the human body. "There's no such thing as any vitamin or mineral that can prevent, cure or reverse any disease or disease symptom," the FDA seems to insist.

There's a lot of denial in Washington about the power and "creativity" of nature. Maybe those folks should look toward the heavens and take note of what's really happening in our universe... because some of it is pretty darned spectacular.

Just ask NASA.

Please let us know YOUR thoughts on this giant hexagon on Saturn. Is it a NATURAL event? Was it created by MAN? Was it put there by GOD? Is it an elaborate NASA HOAX?

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Oliver: Mr. President, When Michele Bachmann is on Your Side, You May Want to Look at the Side You're On | Video Cafe

Consumer alert: Most common vitamins, including children's vitamins, found to contain GMOs

Consumer alert: Most common vitamins, including children's vitamins, found to contain GMOs: 'via Blog this'

Consumer alert: Most common vitamins, including children's vitamins, found to contain GMOs

Tuesday, July 30, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
Tags: GMOvitaminsmaltodextrin
(NaturalNews) A Natural News investigation reveals that an alarmingly large number of multivitamins and individual nutrient vitamins are formulated with ingredients derived from genetically modified corn.

This is the "dirty little secret" of the vitamin industry, but it's not one the mainstream media will touch because they refuse to admit GMOs are a problem to begin with. Those in the know, however, realize that eating any ingredients derived from GMOs may expose them to the BT insecticide chemicals found in GM corn.

GMOs are truly "hidden" in vitamins because the GM-derived ingredients are so heavily processed that all DNA is destroyed in the process, thereby destroying any footprint of genetic modification. Genetic ID tests, in other words, require particles of the food to remain relatively intact so that PCR lab equipment can replicate genetic sequences. Heavily processed ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin and ascorbic acid have no genetic material remaining, thereby sweeping their origins under the rug.

This is one reason who so many vitamins sold today are formulated with GMOs. This includes virtually ALL the popular multivitamin brands sold at grocery stores and pharmacies, by the way.

List of ingredients that are usually GMO

The Non-GMO Project Verified website lists these ingredients as commonly harboring GMOs:

Amino Acids
Ascorbic Acid
Sodium Ascorbate
Vitamin C
Citric Acid
Sodium Citrate
Flavorings ("natural" and "artificial")
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Lactic Acid
Monosodium Glutamate
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
Xanthan Gum
Yeast Products (such as yeast extract)

From this list, you can hopefully realize that:

• Nearly all "vegetarian" foods are GMO (loaded with yeast extract and soy).

• Nearly all sodas and soft drinks are GMO (HFCS, aspartame).

• Nearly all storable "emergency" food sold on the market today is GMO. (TVP, soy, MSG, yeast extract)

• Nearly all canned soups are GMO. (MSG, yeast extract)

• Nearly all children's meals and snacks are GMO. (HFCS, MSG, soy, corn)

In other words, just about everything the consuming masses are eating is contaminated with GMOs.

Here's a closer look at some of the more common GMO ingredients in vitamins and health products:

GMO ingredient #1 - Maltodextrin

Maltodextrin is a powdery, starch derivative of corn. It is used everywhere in the nutritional supplements industry, as a "filler" for fruit powders and drink mixes, as a "sweetener" for low-sugar health foods, and as a flow agent for vitamin capsules.

Unless it is certified as non-GMO, all maltodextrin should be assumed to come from GMO sources. The maltodextrin manufacturing supply chain isn't even geared up to provide non-GMO maltodextrin, as the large-scale factories that produce the material run so much GM corn that there would be significant cross-contamination even if they tried to pull off a non-GMO run.

The few companies that offer non-GMO starches and sweeteners are increasingly gaining attention across the industry. I'm aware of one company called Austrade, Inc. that offers a full line of non-GMO corn-based starches and sweeteners, including non-GMO maltodextrin.

According to the company, they were the first producer to receive "Non-GMO Project Verified" approval for non-GMO maltodextrin.

Non-GMO maltodextrin is also making its way into health products such as "Ultima Replenisher," a healthy replacement for those junk sports drinks made with GMO corn syrup, salt and low-grade minerals. Ultima Replenisher is completely GMO-free, relying on a non-GMO maltodextrin from certified sources.

A small company named also makes non-GMO microwaveable foods that are designed to be free of common allergens such as casein, soy, wheat, peanuts, dairy, GMOs, etc. (Although I have to wonder about the whole microwave concept...)

GMO ingredient #2 - Ascorbic acid

In the delusional world of western thinking on nutrients, ascorbic acid is called "vitamin C."

It isn't vitamin C, of course. Real vitamin C is a broad spectrum of synergistic compounds, never just an isolated, homogeneous molecule. But don't tell that to doctors, scientists or journalists, because they've all bought into the "ascorbic acid is vitamin C" delusion.

So nearly all the common "vitamin C" pills are nothing more than heavily refined ascorbic acid derived from GM corn. That's why those pills don't work, by the way. So when the mainstream media declares, "Vitamin C shows no benefit..." in clinical trials, what they are really saying is that heavily processed ascorbic acid isolated from genetically modified corn doesn't improve your health, and that's no surprise.

Look on the labels of your cheap, low-grade vitamins and multivitamins... you'll see "ascorbic acid" listed there, meaning you are eating GMOs. Throw those away. They're crap.

If you want real vitamin C, your best bet is to eat camu camu, which is the planet's highest source of natural, full-spectrum, food-based vitamin C. (The full synergy of nutrients, not just isolated chemicals.)Click here to see high-grade, certified organic camu camu powder at the Natural News Store.

(By the way, as a side note, the FDA came to our warehouse and took a large number of samples of our camu camu to run lab tests in their Arkansas lab headquarters. They were obviously looking for heavy metals and pesticide residues. The lab tests, as we knew they would, came back 100% clear. That's because we're one of the few companies to actually test all the raw materials we import. So now we have official confirmation that even the FDA agrees that our products are clean. In truth, our own stringent lab test requirements are MORE STRICT than the FDA!)

There are also some vitamin companies making non-GMO vitamin C formulations. Expect them to be expensive because all non-GMO vitamin C must be sourced outside the United States. There is currently no U.S.-based producer of non-GMO vitamin C. (It simply doesn't exist.)

GMO ingredient #3 - Sucrose (heavily used in children's vitamins)

Take a look at almost any children's vitamins and you'll find they're made with several GMO ingredients: aspartame, sucrose and often citric acid, too.

In fact, children's vitamins are by far the most toxic because they're usually formulated with a much higher concentration of toxic ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, artificial colors and GMO-derived materials.

Children should be eating superfoods or food concentrates, not toxic vitamin pills. Remember, too, that the low-grade vitamin pills are manufactured by companies largely owned by the pharmaceutical industry. They have every incentive to make sure their vitamins actually cause health problems rather than prevent disease. This boosts their long-term profits as sick children become Big Pharma customers for life.

MegaFood receives the first non-GMO certification in the industry

When it comes to high quality food-based nutrients in a pill format, nobody beats MegaFood, the supplier Natural News has chosen as its supplement partner.

MegaFood's manufacturing facility is the first and only facility in the United States to be certified non-GMO. Certification of all the company's products is under way, but I have personally been informed that the entire product line has been 100% non-GMO since 2007. (Actual certification takes time and will be announced when the process is complete.)

Consumers looking for truly non-GMO sources of health-supporting minerals can check outMegaFood's Balanced Minerals formulation.

Those seeking thyroid support should take a look at MegaFood's Thyroid Strength formulation.

And for non-GMO multivitamins made from real food rather than isolated chemicals, MegaFood offers a full line of daily multivitamins for men and women.

Join the call for GMO labeling on vitamins and supplements

As companies like MegaFood blaze forward in achieving non-GMO certification, they are going to force everyone else in the industry to follow suit (or lose customers). That's becauseconsumers don't want hidden GMOs in their health supplements, obviously.

People take vitamins based on the belief that vitamins won't poison them. Unfortunately, this is a false assumption given the dirty tricks played by the pharmaceutical industry in churning out harmful, synthetic vitamins loaded with toxic substances such as GMOs.

That's why I support the mandatory GMO labeling of vitamins and dietary supplements. It's also why my own brand of superfoods and dietary supplements -- Health Ranger Select -- is 100% non-GMO.

See, it's not just about labeling GMOs in foods. GMOs need to be labeled (or ultimately, banned) in everything we eat, and that includes vitamins and dietary supplements.

Most health-conscious consumers already know to avoid GMOs in foods, but they fail to avoid them when selecting vitamins and supplements. So they're taking in quantities of GMO-derived materials in their health supplements, and that defeats the whole purpose of being "health conscious" in the first place.

Until GMOs are labeled (or banned) on vitamins and supplements, you have to be vigilant in avoiding GMO-derived ingredients such as maltodextrin, sucrose, ascorbic acid, citric acid and others.

Unless the product is certified non-GMO or comes from a company that is diligently working on the certification process, there is a better than 99% chance that they contain GMOs.

And what happens when you eat GMOs? Just ask these lab rats, which were fed a combination of GM corn and glyphosate, the weed killer chemical often used on genetically modified crops:

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